Welcome to our Science 10 Moodle course.  This course will focus on building science skills and knowledge through four main content areas: Energy, Genetics, Chemistry, and Astronomy. Each content area is based on one ‘Big Idea’ or overarching theme:

1.       “Energy is conserved, and its transformation can affect living things and the environment.

2.       DNA is the basis for the diversity of living things.

3.       Energy change is required as atoms rearrange through chemical processes.

4.       The formation of the universe can be explained by the Big Bang theory.”

           (BC Ministry of Education, 2021)

In this science course, you will encounter a variety of in-class and online learning activities, discussions, and assignments designed to help you build your science process skills and scientific thinking. You will be introduced to such ideas as how organisms can be so different yet similar, how biological characteristics are inherited, how chemical reactions produce new chemical compounds, how energy affects chemical reactions and the environment, and the theory behind the formation of the universe.   

The Scientific Method is a process used by scientists all around the world to conduct scientific investigations.  You will be working on scientific thinking and process skills related to the Scientific Method, including:

  • Questioning, predicting, and forming hypotheses
  • Planning and carrying out experiments (guided and/or independent inquiries)
  • Processing and analyzing information (i.e. lab data, online research)
  • Evaluating information and/or experimental data
  • Applying new knowledge
  • Communicating your results and your knowledge